Hawkes Bay Wool Services

We offer the following services

  • Wool cartage and storage
  • Door sales
  • Shed clean outs with replacement of fadges
  • Sheep’s back insurance
  • Binning, Interlotting, Grouping
  • Sampling, coring and testing of all all wool to I.W.T.O. standards.
  • The only Broker to test all wool for Length and Strength to I.W.T.O. standards.
  • Valuations supplied by an independent industry valuer 
  • Sale by Auction, Tender, Direct Contract
  • Advice on woolshed preparation, Ram selection, Hogget culling
  • An interim payment per bale on receipt into store

Friendly Advice with a Smile

We increase the value of your wool thorugh

  • Expert breeding and shed preparation advice
  • Valuations supplied by an independent industry valuer
  • Knowledge of current markets with up-to-date indicators
  • Wright Wool North Island Market Index
  • Quality Assurance Programme
  • Personal pre and post market advice

Our Guarantee

Best market price on the day and we guarantee payment every time. We will work hard in any given market to always offer a price regardless of international and national demands for wool.


Up-front payments to meet immediate harvesting costs. Shed pick-ups and clean-outs mean more time to do what you really want to do on farm. Sell in complete confidence that your wool has been prepared and presented to your best possible advantage.

“No clip too large or too small.”

Dag Processors Limited

Hawkes Bays Dag Processors Ltd – Innovative and Quality Services for Dag Wool and Crushed Dags.

Dag Processors Ltd is the largest North Island Dag Crusher with the only plant able to dry Dags before processing. This creates a distinct advantage to the wool produced providing higher yielding and cleaner wool for scouring.

We are able to crush clients dags on commission or buy direct. We have ongoing contract arrangements with Exporters as  a well sought after product. We also produce and sell a very high grade sheep manure which is processed into sheep pellets for garden centres around the country.

Our experienced team are innovative and are continually coming up with many novel ways to keep improving the plant and the end product.