The New Zealand Wool Testing Authority have produced a brochure with Staple Length and Strength Measurement for Crossbred Wool. The following objectives in introducing a staple length and strength measurement:
The industry uses objective information to provide confidence in meeting specifications for trading and assurance that the end-product will meet expectations. Staple characteristics of length and strength in crossbred wool are currently assessed subjectively (visual and touch). This process provides risk in meeting specification, and this risk is often reflected in the valuation. Hence the key objectives of introducing a staple length and strength measurement are:
to provide an independent and objective basis for the industry which can be used for trading purposes; and
to reduce risk by providing a better ability to predict the processing outcome of the raw material.
The brochure explains what measurements are provided, how to read what the results mean, what the benefits are of staple length and strength measurements and trial feedback.